Cookie Cutting Cuteness with this great Cookie Cutter bundle found in the latest Stampin' Up!Holiday Catalogue.
Christmas is coming (I have friends that take great delight in counting down the weeks on Facebook) so for a recent class at my local Café we used this bundle to make Christmas Cards. Since the DSP is on buy three get one free special I used it as well.
The Santa is stamped onto Shimmer cardstock then cut with the punch, he was then hand coloured using the markers - now its hard to see but that belt buckle is the gold Wink of Stella and it is divine.
I do love the strips of Washi they make it so easy to do something great.
One must not forget the inside can you see an extended use of the Tin of Tags (142180) stamp set happening there - you know your sets that go with a kit can be used at other times and oh boy I do love that set!
Ahh the Gingers - well I am so not a fan of gingerbread cookies - actually I don't particularly like anything with ginger in it. Just quietly my Sister-in-law has a business called Gingerbread Kiddies here in Australia and she makes Gingerbread Houses - This is her Christmas card!

I have seen cards similar to this one around the internet and it is so much fun, actually its the reason I actually purchased this bundle - oh the cute teddy I'm not showing you today also had a load to do with it but that's for another time. I love reindeer - even more since visiting Rovaniemi in Finland a few years back - so this card actually has a load of meaning to me in a fun sort of way. I didn't see any with red noses but I did see Santa leave on Christmas Eve to make his journey around the globe. That seriously impressed the kiddies and I will pop some photos at the end if you would like to continue to scroll down. But back to this guy, he is randomly stamped on the background, the one on the DSP is popped up with dimensionals, that's gold foil that you can see but I think the copper would look just as good. his nose is cut using the foot part of the punch and yes you can just catch a glimpse of the clear Wink of Stella on there.

So thanks for visiting please feel free to leave a comment below but now for some Rovaniemi, Finland photos.
This one is me - and oh boy was it cold but a different kind of cold to what we have here at home - the air was still so until we got onto a snowmobile or a sled I was fine with my 6 layers on!
Off to Santa's Village - It was Christmas Eve and we visited Santa in the most amazing Grotto for our photo - so much better than the yearly store ones we have from home! There is a North Pole post office - so all my friends kids got postcards - hehehe I had asked their parents what they were getting so there was a postcard that arrived about 3-4 weeks after Christmas asking them about their gifts in a handwriting they didn't know with a real North Pole postage stamp mark on it. Best bit is there is also a post box to send cards for the following year - everyone got 2! Even their parents were surprised when these ones arrived.
One friend had a letter written to her kids that was about 2 pages long for me to post - we (the parents that are my friends) made the most of this good stuff.
This is the Post office - the fire was roaring in there it was lovely and warm the staff were in T-shirts. Oh and dressed like Elves.
That's my Miss Maeve with Eilish writing postcards to their friends.
Outside was a winter wonderland and I must say we all had fun - this giant snowman was one of many, this was one of only a few photos we got of the 5 of us together.
This is my family - and Santa - the most amazing Santa ever - he spoke 16 different Languages and had us all enthralled with him. In this photo we have My family of 5, my brother with his family of 4 (now 6) my mum and my aunt. It was a big trip for the 11 of us from Australia and took a long time to get there then home again but was so worth it.
One of the Days we went on a special outing into the forest to find critters - the staff dressed up beautifully as woodland critters and we decorated trees in the forest, fed the birds, had a sleigh ride (oh my gosh reindeer are very smelly) and checked out Santa's hideaway cabin. There was a special letter for each of the children in the cabin from Santa - it was truly magical.
It was seriously like walking around in a fancy smancy Christmas card - everything sparkled and the snow was so soft - we couldn't even crush it into a ball to toss it was that soft it fluffed apart after you threw it.
Till next time - happy Stamping